From inside your account, there is a help menu option at the top. Tne contents of the help section will change depending on which module you are currently on. For example, if you are on on the checklist module, clicking the help option will open a window that contains a link to a YouTube checklist tutorial. Not all modules have contents on the help option. We are slowly completing the tutorials on YouTube and we had contents as we go.
Alternatively, send us an email to with your question. We will reply as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours.
Search your inbox for an email with the subject "Welcome to comma CMMS (demo)- Your Login Information". Your credentials to the demo system are there. If you cannot find them, please visit the main page and register again (note that if you unsubscribed from the mailing list, you will be added again).
Ensure comma CMMS is a good fit for your requirements (we strongly recommend you try it and have a guided tour before committing), then go to the purchase page. Still unsure if comma CMMS is the right solution for you? Talk to us ( We can help you setup the system and negotiate a trial period to ensure the system works for you.
Step 1: Click on the link for the comma package option you selected. You will be sent to our payment gateway parner (2checkout). Ensure the quantities on the form are correct.
Step 2: We will contact you to confirm the payment (please ensure your email address on the payment form is correct). We will send you instructions on how to access your account (please allow for up to 24h to receive a reply).