comma CMMS equipment maintenance blog

We currently have 40 articles on the database and 3 article categories. Keep checking for more.
Published 2024-10-19 by John Dorr (a 0.5 minute read)

It was great to be a part of "IAAPA Presents: Chimelong Spaceship" in Zhuhai, China. Expertly organized by IAAPA on a huge multi-record-holder park so close to Macau and HK. We got to see behind the scenes and connect with some of the park's key people and other attendees and get a surprising insight into how technical maintenance is managed at the park. A fruitful day indeed. Next IAAPA gathering ...

Published 2024-05-24 by Rui Alves (a 3.9 minute read)

In work as in life, sharing is caring. With that in mind, what follows is a list of great online resources where you can access technical information and people that go through what you go through all day, every day. We'll focus on Reddit this time and see if this post has any traction. If so, we'll expand this to include Web forums, Facebook and LinkedIn.

If you have a technical or organizational issue, you can be sure someone has dealt with it. If you have something to share that yo...

Published 2024-05-24 by Rui Alves (a 0.2 minute read)
Published 2024-04-30 by Alvaro Oberon (a 9.7 minute read)


Work orders are the fundamental organizational foundation of Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS). In industrial maintenance management, when created for a particular functionality of a productive sub-system, they call for actions that will resume or keep the output of that sub-system within design or production goals.

As we will s...

Published 2024-04-23 by Rui Alves (a 13.7 minute read)


This article is the public version of one of PF consultant's internal technical documents. In it, we define the main asset type classes, give examples of each and describe in general terms how the modules available in comma CMMS can be leveraged to properly organize asset information given the specificities of each type...

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