comma CMMS equipment maintenance blog

Auto-approval and cancellation of movement of spares (new on version 1.4.2 (April 2020))

Published 2020-03-31 by Rui J Alves (a 1 minute read) | Back to the main page
From release 1.4.2 (April 2020) it is now possible to automatically approve spares movement on work orders. Previously, if you remember, parts were requested on work orders, but it was then required for the approver to go on to the equipment properties page and approve or cancel the movement there.

On this release there's a new settings option on the group permissions under the "WO/ WR" tab; set "Allow auto-approval of WO reserved equipment" to "ON" and users on that user group will immediately see their full request approved after saving the work order.

As for the cancellation of movement, that can also now be done directly on the work order by the technicians. Simply click the "X" button for all items to be cancelled and save the work order – the move will be reversed.

New registrations will have the auto-approve permission set for users as default. Existing users need to go to the settings and explicitly turn that permission on.