Can work orders be deleted?

comma CMMS comes from the utilities industry where, for regulatory compliance (and sometimes quality control traceability), once a problem is reported, it can no longer be removed from the system.

If that were to be possible, evidence could be eliminated resulting on a "untrustworhty" maintenance system that will not be elligeable for quality control systems because traceability can be manipulated.

So, no, you cannot delete work orders. The only exception to that is when they are still in work request status (any new work order is in work request mode until it is saved the first time). On these work orders you can see a "Disable this work request" option.

To eliminate an unwanted work order, add a comment that states the reasons for the action (e.g. "created as test only" or "summary needs revision, please see replacement work order #XXXX") and then complete and close it. There's no problem to have a few test/ wrong work orders in the system. We can additionally we can also disable work orders from your list if you feel you have too many tests and that that may be affecting your statistics too much.

Last update:
2020-03-18 11:18
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