How do I change my account renewal period?

The procedure to change your account renewal period is exactly the same as described on the example below no matter whether you are extending the renewal period (as in the example) or decreasing the renewal period.

To change the renewal time period, do not proceed with renewal of your existing account.

For example if you are currently on a 3-monthly renewal cycle and would like to change to a yearly renewal cycle, proceed as follows.

1. After you receive the first renewal warning email, do not click "renew" on your last invoice.

2. click "UPGRADE" on the top menu bar. You are going to create another payment account.

3. on the "Add Account Item(s)" tab, select the amount of users and the option "Charge me for 1 year (8% off...)".
4. click "proceed to paypal" and process payment as before.

When you return to the system, you will have these new user quotas added to your previous account (i.e. if you originally had 3 users on your account, you will now temporarily have a total of 7 users = 1 free + 3 from your 3 monthly account + the 3 new ones you just bought).

Then just ignore the emails for the previous account (you will receive two more). On the last email the system will deduct 3 users from the previous account which will return you back to the current number but now on a yearly renewal basis.

Last update:
2016-02-24 09:23
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