Unexpected message for labor costs on work orders: "Not all tasks are assigned yet or hourly rates are missing"

In some rare cases the labor costs for work orders may show unexpected results. You may see the following message on the "costs" tab:

"Not all tasks are assigned yet or hourly rates are missing"

even though hourly rates for all your users are currently set and all the task steps have been assigned to users.

Everytime you add/ edit an hourly rate for a user, the date at which you do that is saved. All orders with creation date before that date will show the old hourly rate. All orders performed by that user with creation date after that date will show the new hourly rate.

The problem described above happens in cases where you initially set the hourly rate for a user and expect to see the hourly rate affecting all already created work orders where that user performed work. That will not happen because, for the system, when the order was created, there was no rate defined and it shows "Not all tasks are assigned yet or hourly rates are missing".

Last update:
2019-09-12 03:48
Average rating: 5 (1 Vote)

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