I have user quota available now how do I invite users into my account?

Proceed as follows:

1. Hover over your name on the top bar-right and click "Modules".

2. Click "Users" to fo to the users module.

3. Click "Invite users". Enter the email address of the user to invite (ensure it's correct as the user will receive an email with instructions on how to register), select the usergroup this user will be invited to (you can change this later) and select the plant and department this user belongs to.

4. Click "Invite". The user will receive an email with the instructions.

NOTE: Wait a few minutes for the email to arrive and check the spam email box in case the user doesn't receive an email after 5 minutes. Also confirm the email is correct. If yo ustill have issues after doing these checks, please see "What to do if an invited user doesn't receive the invite email?".

Last update:
2018-08-18 14:58
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