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Call for Mac/ Safari and iOS/ iPhone/ IPad user experiences

All of our development tests are made with firefox (hands down the best browser and highly recommended for the best comma CMMS experience you can have - including on android)and chrome. Most of our customers are also on one of these two browsers, so we believe we have about 90% of our user base covered.

There's a few customers and free trial users on internet explorer (really? ;-)). Internet explorer is mostly ok (firefox is still recommended for these users, though) but we have some more users on Mac and iOS devices using Safari.

Since the last update, the login screen was out of position for safari users only which although is not a terrible problem, it simply does not look good! We hate problems like that and will go at them immediately to ensure comma CMMS looks as good as it can on all platforms.

If you mostly use a Mac or iOS device, we would love to hear from you when you believe you have experienced some kind of weird behaviour that you suspect is not right.

Please contact us to with a description of the problem. We will do our best to solve the problem on your platform. You will also be doing a great service (!) for the other Mac users!


Last update: 2015-06-06 06:20
Author: commacmms

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