How to enable edit of tags on closed work orders?

Since version 1.4.3 it is possible to tag work orders that are already closed. This might be useful for cases where users need to further classify their work orders after the work has already been closed.

To enable edit of tags on closed work orders, proceed as follows:

a)      Hover the mouse on your username on the top right corner and clink “Modules”

b)      Select “User groups” -> Manage existing. Permissions to access this feature are set on each user group, so select the user group you would like to edit (e.g. ORG_ADMIN).

c)      On the WO/WR tab, scroll down to the bottom and turn on “Edit tags on closed WO”.

Users on this user group will now have the permission to edit (add, remove) tags from closed work orders.

Last update:
2020-11-26 10:10
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